Hello and welcome to the third edition of “The Best of the Best”: a countdown of the best in Girls’ Generation music, CFs, and related media. While I’ll go over the Top 5 CFs this time, you guys can tell me what you want to see next by voting in the poll at the end of the article. More votes are always better, so please tell me what you want! As for this edition, read through my explanation for each choice then leave your own opinions of what you think the best shoots are in the comments section. Videos are posted along with each explanation, as well as a Soshified download link at the end of each choice. Let’s start shall we?
5. Dior
Jessica, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, and Sooyoung each lend their talents to the well-known Dior product line in this CF. Filmed with an elegant feel, the commercial created a sophisticated atmosphere. The high-class look comes from the fact that the commercials were completely filmed in black and white, giving a vintage feel to each CF. Whether it is traveling to Paris in Tiffany’s spot, playing the cello in Yuri’s, or wandering through a winter wonderland in Jessica’s, Dior surely emphasizes that these products are “out of this world,” and that Girls’ Generaton are the only people that could show that. It’s simple style works, but does not bring anything special to the table, such as a catchy jingle or wide appeal, which is why it is at #5 on this countdown.
4. Daum
When Daum, one of the biggest web portals in Korea, announced that Girls’ Generation was going to be one of their new spokespeople, SONEs definitely looked forward to what the collaboration would bring. The result was a series of CFs that were silly yet showed off the sleek new technology that the company was putting out. In stark contrast to other more serious CFs (such as the Dior one mentioned above) the girls seem to act more naturally, which made me enjoy the commercials even more. The banter between the girls in each CF is funny and makes them even more worthwhile to watch. Daum also helped make the music video for “Snowy Wish”, which perfectly complimented the holiday season when it was released. With the girls having fun and some cool products being shown off, this ad campaign was a clear success. These aspects let it shine over the Dior campaign but does not propel it ahead of any of the other CFs on the countdown.
3. Goobne
When Goobne Chicken was first introduced to the public, it was relatively unknown, yet Girls’ Generation made it a nationally known brand, no doubt through their commercials for the product. While a few commercials were released in 2008, they really took off in 2009 when the girls’ popularity skyrocketed. These nine CFs from 2009 showcase the girls in a practice room dancing around, fooling around with the camera, and just being themselves. Of course, no Goobne commercial would be complete without the catchy jingle. You can’t help but feel happy while watching the girls have so much fun. The playful nature and fun atmosphere of the spot, combined with the jingle really made this ad campaign stand out from the rest, and made Goobne what it is today.
2. Dungeon Fighter
So imagine a big octopus taking over your city, and then imagine someone as lazy as Jessica knocking its lights out. Only the Dungeon Fighter CF could offer such entertainment. An advertisement for an online role-playing game, it shows the girls turning into super-powered fighters to defeat the monster that’s destroying the city. The crazy subject matter combined with the wacky special effects definitely make it stand out among the others. The unique premise of the CF propels it to a high place on the countdown. The commercials above on the countdown may be great, but they were ordinary, which was one thing this CF isn’t.
1. Banana Milk
The Banana Milk commercial that the girls filmed in early 2009 has to be my favorite by far of all the ads that they have ever done. One does wonder what a commercial about banana milk contain…the answer is dramatic singing, cute faces, and a great time. The commercial showcases Taeyeon, Sunny, Yuri, Sooyoung and Seohyun singing an over-the-top rendition of “Volare”. When the milk is introduced to them, they become ecstatic at the sight of the beverage. The resulting dance and song are enjoyable to say the least. The spot ends with a refrigerator filled with banana milk sprawled out on the floor in front of the girls with a final playful goodbye. The over-the-top expressions create a playful atmosphere which lets this CF, more than any of the others mentioned today, appeal to everyone.
Vote the CF @ http://bit.ly/sDwjiK
Source: ssfshortclips2, aslotussradio,choijoonhyung, tpgur3660 via Soshified