[Project] S♥ne ♥ Love
AIM: To collect the love and wishes from S♥nes all around the world for our SoShi.
【Events under this project】
1.) SNSD Fan T-Shirt
- The design of this fan shirt is done

- Price per unit: USD 10.00 RM30.00 excluding Shipping Fee
- Purchase from : http://www.birdlayegg.com/product.php?uri=3
- We will send this fan shirt to our girls (SNSD) as well
- Let others know WE ARE S♥NE by wearing this shirt
- We hope that every S♥NE can at least get one.
2) Photography and Collect all the wishes and photos from S♥NE
- Photograph with this FAN T-Shirt on us.
- Collect all the wishes and photos from S♥NE
- Make it to video and compile to a S♥NE PhotoBook
- We send the S♥NE PhotoBook to our girls/love (SNSD) as well
3) S♥NE Gathering (Malaysian only) [Temporarily]
- A chance for malaysian S♥NE to know each others
- If can we will try to organize an INTERNATIONAL S♥NE GATHERING
Project Soshi ♥ Love => Project S♥ne ♥ Love
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